Cremation has become an increasingly popular alternative to burial, and is now every bit as common as burial in the United States. But some families still have a few concerns. One of those concerns is whether or not cremation will affect things like funeral planning. While understandable, you may be surprised to learn that there is very little impact. If you or someone you know is looking into cremation services in or near Charleston, SC, you should know that there is a funeral home in your area that is ready to talk to you about your options in greater detail. That kind of support should always be a given. You have a right to know more about cremation, especially when it comes to its relationship with funeral planning.
McAlister-Smith Funeral & Cremation has a great deal of experience with cremation and funeral planning alike. We are the perfect solution for any family that is interested in some combination of both. We take our responsibilities very seriously, and that includes speaking with you about cremation and what it will mean for your family. You should know what you are getting into, and you should understand how it may or may not affect other plans. Don’t hesitate to make a phone call or arrange a meeting in person. We value those kind of opportunities, and we know they can make a tremendous difference when it comes to your decision-making and general outlook.
The good news is that cremation really doesn’t have to interfere with the rest of your plans, regardless of what they are. You can still hold a funeral or memorial services whenever you please. Cremation doesn’t get in the way, and it doesn’t limit your options. You can also hold a ceremony well after cremation has occurred. For example, many families hold some kind of gathering when scattering the cremated remains. This serves as a very symbolic occasion that allows friends and family to pay their respects. Many families also opt to have cremated remains present at a memorial service, generally in some kind of urn or other container. Again, this is a perfect opportunity for others to say goodbye more directly.
Some families worry that cremation might make it impossible to have a visitation (or wake). To the contrary, some kind of visitation is very common and always takes place before the cremation has occurred. Generally speaking, there is no rush when it comes to cremation. If your family wants the chance to see the deceased one last time, that is perfectly acceptable and easy to accomplish. Obviously, visitation as such becomes impossible once the cremation has already occurred, but that simply means visitation must be scheduled prior to cremation. This is not a problem.
Cremation has become a very common and straightforward alternative, popular in large part thanks to its affordability and the kind of options it creates for the remains themselves. It has given countless families another option, and that’s always a good thing. The big question is whether or not it makes sense for your family, too. There is no right or wrong answer here, but it is still worth thinking about.
If you are interested in cremation services in the Charleston, SC, area, consider reaching out to McAlister-Smith Funeral & Cremation. We are always happy to discuss your options and the kinds of benefits associated therewith. These are important decisions, and we take them very seriously. Give us a call today or visit our location.