When you work with Goose Creek, SC funeral homes, you’ll get the service of an experienced funeral director and staff to make sure your loved one is laid to rest with the utmost care. But after the basic arrangements are done, we rely on your input to make sure they’re remembered as you’d like. A funeral service or celebration of life is best when personalized, and we offer many options to customize every service and make it a memorial of a life well lived.
After we’ve taken care of arrangements for the body and made the big decisions, we want to get to know you and your departed loved one through you. Think of the memorial service as a story, and you as the storyteller. We encourage you to bring in any information or documents you feel important to tell the story of a life, including their passions and any important organizations they belonged to.
One of the most popular methods for adding a personal touch to a memorial service is to show a video tribute to the crowd. This will be put together by our talented digital design team and will incorporate photos, stories and testimonials from mourners, and any images or music you want included. It’ll be edited together with professional effects, and can serve as a permanent memorial after it’s uploaded to our website.
Our printing studio creates funeral programs for every service we hold, included in our memorial packages. While we offer over 500 custom themes to fit every taste, we also leave a lot of room for you to add a personal touch that celebrates your loved one. There’s room on every program for photos of the departed and mementoes of their life, making these pamphlets an ideal small memento for every guest to take home.
A common choice for clients looking to create a living memory of their loved one, the memory wall is an interactive feature at the memorial service. A wall is covered with pictures and notes from those who knew the departed best. The family can decorate the memorial wall themselves, but many of our clients choose to decorate part and let guests bring their own mementoes to add to the wall.
Our beautiful and spacious facilities are available for memorial services, and you can consider them a canvas for your personal touch. Many clients bring in mementoes from their loved one’s life, ranging from small items like hand-crafted quilts or statue collections to large items like motorcycles. If your loved one was an avid cook, it’s also possible to serve refreshments in the reception area or full meals in the meeting halls.
If you’re looking to create a meaningful and personal celebration of life, Goose Creek, SC funeral homes can help. To set up a consultation, visit McAlister-Smith Funeral & Cremation at our offices at 869 St James Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445, or contact us on our website or by phone at (843) 553-1511. We can also be found at our Charleston, Mt. Pleasant, and James Island locations.