William DeWitt Peek
Prominent Westfield Attorney-at-Law
William DeWitt Peek of Westfield, N.J., passed away on November 2, 2016 at age 91. A memorial service will be held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Westfield on Saturday, November 12 at 11:00 am. Arrangements by Gray Funeral Directors, Westfield. Go to grayfuneralhomes.com for on line condolences.
The son of DeWitt Clinton Peek and Ruth Newell Peek, Mr. Peek was born in Westfield as was his father. His grandfather, William T. Peek, moved to Westfield before the Civil War and was a prominent citizen in the mid-nineteenth century. Mr. Peek was a lifelong Westfield resident until moving to Fellowship Village retirement community in Basking Ridge in 2011.
Mr. Peek was educated in the Westfield Public Schools and graduated from Hamilton College and Cornell Law school. He was admitted to the New Jersey Bar in 1950. He was a partner in the firm Nichols, Thompson, and Peek for over 50 years, retiring to "of counsel" in the firm Phelan, Franz, and Peek. He served in the Navy during World War II aboard an LST in the Pacific, and as a Lieutenant in the Naval Reserve following the war.
Mr. Peek was active in many local organizations throughout his long career. He served as legal counsel for the Westfield Board of Education for forty years, as well as for the Children's Specialized Hospital and the Washington Rock Girl Scout Council. He was a founding member and trustee of the Westfield Foundation and served on the board of Fairview Cemetery. He was an active member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, several times serving on the Vestry. He was a Rotarian for over 20 years and was the recipient of the Charles P. Bailey Humanitarian of the Year Award in 1993.
He was predeceased by his sister, Barbara Peek Loftin and is survived by his wife, Barbara D. Peek, a son, William D. Peek Jr., a daughter Mary, known as Mollie, (Paul Roland), two grandsons, Robert (Elyse) Roland and George Roland, and one great-granddaughter, Olivia Peek Roland.
In lieu of flowers, the family would welcome memorial donations to The Children's Specialized Hospital (www.childrens-specialized.org/giving) or St. Paul's Episcopal Church (http://www.stpaulswestfield.org/)